For unknown reasons it seems that the macroscopic world is fixed to those that operate in the noise floor. Thus there are statistically significant opportunities (around 65% accurate) to collapse the future wave function and determine trends and prices before they will occur in the market. This is true front-running.
This can be determined under specific timeframes with some level fuzziness.
Most suitable for timeframes of 6 months or longer due to the time intensive nature to determine the outcome.
Chart forecasts down to one week can be determined fairly consistently (65% chance of identifying the correct trends)
Risk management is always paramount in any prediction (that 35% thing again).
Longer term trends can be determined by correlated methods. Magnitude of the moves is an added complexity that is addressed with the Max/Min price service.
Eliminate your blind spots before you get blindsided. Lets Talk.​
How does this even work? No one really knows how but, does not knowing how electricity works prevent you from flipping a light switch? The base protocols were created at Stanford Research Institute back in the 70's. After the the Army Remote Viewing Unit was disbanded and former unit members started teaching the public, an explosion of advances in remote viewing applications occurred from former students of Major Ed Dames (ret.) around 2007 starting with the Remote Viewing Financial Markets DVD, (Miller) Chronos and Geologic (Ruiz). The RVFM DVD was mostly the holy grail of application but, there were a number of nuances that need to be resolved. Those included, target pair set-up, proper session analysis, extension to additional market, overcoming internal blockers and finally, overcoming external blockers that cap accuracy around 60-75%.
Kocmodpom has worked to resolve these issues since 2007.
So why hasn't anyone made it big yet? Even if you solve all the above problems, proper risk management is often ignored by competent viewers who seem to desire catapulting themselves into the domain known as "Risk of Ruin." In the simplest terms, over leveraging positions leads to catastrophic unrecoverable losses. Betting like something is 100% accurate when it is only 65% is a lesson in mombishness.